Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Looking Back on the Journey

Today I was reminded of this journey: taking the plunge 18 years ago to take my (then) two sons out of mainstream education in the UK in order to home educate them.

It wasn't a positive decision at the time. It was our only recourse in order to protect our 7 year old who was being badly bullied to the point of self harming.

I was at the time totally ignorant of anything to do with home education.

Along with the discovery that my son was on the autistic spectrum, I went on a journey first and foremost of educating myself.  I was forced to consider what education really was, what my role and responsibility as a parent was.  It was actually a very freeing experience as it connected to a deep held belief of my own over how children should be treated, and allowed me to parent my sons in a way that felt right and natural.

When we had further children, it was never in question that we would home educate them (even though we did give them the choice at an appropriate age, as to whether they wished to try school).

My sons are now 27, 25, 21 and 16 respectively (good grief I feel OLD!).

I am exceptionally grateful that we were able to educate them ourselves. I am thankful for all the support and advice I received from the home educating community along the way.  Some of that advice led to the decision to follow the "unschooling"/autonomous education approach.  Despite my misgivings and secret fears, my sons did, in fact, educate themselves in what they needed.

My 21 year old who never went to school is in his final year at university, on track for a top rated degree and a very good job already lined up in his industry for when he finishes.  This is the young man who was fully allowed to be himself, prioritising learning about his autism and how it affected him and would affect his treatment by society, who didn't learn to read until he was 9, taught himself math at 11, and excels at everything he turns his hand to.

Home educating, for us, was the tool that allowed us to provide that opportunity for him.

If you come across this site looking for answers to your questions about home educating, then feel free to comment with them!  I would love to encourage and support others starting out on the journey.

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