This put us back on the buses; public transport is ok but the sort of busy, disorganised life that we tend to use doesn't lend itself that well to bus travel and having to allow an extra half hour to get anywhere.
Sundays are a classic example: Roarke went out early to get to church before the first service started so that he can set up the cafe, I take all the boys on the bus later to the second service, then the issue of a half hourly service when you come out to get the bus back just 5 minutes after one has left and you have to sit at a bus stop with a tired toddler for 25 minutes (on those silly bench things that don't fit bottoms the size of mine...), then grab lunch and Samuel and William need to get a bus to Urban Saints, then whoever takes them has to walk back as there are no buses back for ages... then a bus or walk back to meet them 1 1/2 later and get a bus back... its exhausting just typing it!
Getting Josh to Wallington on a Thursday is equally as difficult, with a 1 1/4 hr journey of two buses and a tram to get him there.
Anyway, on Sunday a friend offered to tow our car over to a diesel expert in Thornton Heath ready for them to work on it on Monday. Whilst being towed Roarke engaged the engine to use the gears to help break - and the car started! So, the rest of Sunday we had the car working. Monday we got up and decided to catch up on some jobs. Roarke delivered some furniture for the Hope Foundation, and then went and took bags and bags of stuff over to the recycle centre. However when he got back in the car - it wouldn't start! He waited for the breakdown service who got him started again. We decided to still drive it over to the garage as there was obviously something going on. Long story short, it was something to do with the immobiliser. So as of yesterday we have a working car again - phew! Praise God!
It was great the other week to have Henrietta and some of the younger children over for the afternoon. William appreciated having friends of his age to play with, and I appreciated the chance to chat!
Last Saturday we had friends over for the afternoon and evening. We had just finished telling them about our scary experience at A&E last year when Jonathan broke his leg when yep you guessed it, he hurt himself again on the trampoline!!! Apparently he slipped over (running in socks on the trampoline) and he wouldn't stop crying. He said it was his leg.... we all prayed, and decided to wait and see how it went. All day Sunday he refused to walk on it, crying and saying his foot hurt. Monday he stood on it but he was dragging his leg; GP said it sounded like a hip problem and advised us to go to A&E. We phoned, texted and emailed all the Christian friends we could think of and asked them to pray.
Thankfully, A&E wasn't too bad other than one odd/snide comment from a nurse, and after several hours they sent us home and told us to come back if he wasn't walking on it by Thursday. He was, though still limping, and a week later he isn't fully back to normal but it was obviously therefore a muscle injury. Needless to say I've banned him from the trampoline!
Hasn't the change in the weather been lovely?! As soon as the sun shines I get on with the housework (for once!) and then the gardening.
I love my gardening! We've dug up 3/4 of the lawn to use for planting and I'm really eager to get on with it n
A few families met this week for our new home ed gardening group.
We planted our potatoes from the Grow Your Own Potatoes project, and sowed carrots, cabbages, leeks, broccoli, squash, lettuce...
Now I've just got to work out what to do with all the trays of seedlings... anyone got a spare greenhouse?!
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