Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Yesterday morning we all heard a loud "thump".
A sparrow hawk had grabbed a bird and had apparently thrown it against the window to stun it. The hawk then proceeded to pluck the bird and start eating.

We called the boys down, and I went to get a picture. However, depsite their best efforts, the boys made enough noise at the window that the hawk flew off down the garden - with its catch.

So, the photo consisted of the feathers left behind:

Unusually, it appeared to have been a pigeon that the hawk had caught, judging from the size and colour of the feathers.

We get some great birds in our garden, and this is the second time we've had the hawk feeding in the garden - the first time was last July when my parents were able to watch it eating a sparrow that it had caught, on the lawn.

This morning Samuel is going out to help his nan at the shops. We are both encouraging him to go with her quite often, as it all helps increase his "life skills" and awareness.

Joshua is working through one of the UPD8 activities, on Pluto .

I'm hoping to start some basic maths with William, working on adding and taking away. He has definately shown more interest in numbers than letters, so I intend to capitalise on that.

As for me, sleeping is tough - waking all the time to use the toilet! - but the pains are easier. Counting the days till my next scan (23rd).

Our bedroom is about a quarter completed - didn't help that we opened one mirrored wardrobe flat pack yesterday and found it broken! The replacement should come tomorrow.

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