Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday (So Far..)

This morning William made a lovely pig out of a milk carton, using the worksheet from the KCC Scrapstore:

The boys watched quite a bit of Class TV, including Roar and Primary History - learning about Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela - and Magic Grandad - covering
Boudicca and her tribe waging war on the Romans, Dr Edward Jenner, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and then Mary Seacole.

They have also got some Roald Dahl worksheets to do today.

I managed last night to do some more work on our educational links pages - I've nearly finished adding all the links that I have in my Favourites for "geography"! Let me see, that's 3 favourites folders done, another 7 to go... And it seemed like such a good idea at the time!

Did you see Newsround yesterday? The piece by Poppy on Home Education? She did brilliantly. Shame it is spoilt on the website write up, by some very dubious wording that they (Newsround) have put in... You can vote on whether you'd want to be taught at home here!

There is also a whole programme on HE on Meridian this evening, on "Focus" between 11:00pm - 11:35pm. The matter is definately on the public agenda now.

On a humorous note, I found a site with some nice pieces on it - you know the sort of thing that does the rounds on the internet/email - and couldn't resist linking to this: Things My Mother Taught Me!

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