Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's get something straight

As is usual in all these cases where a child tragically dies, everyone is now desperate to point the finger and shift the blame.

Elaine has summed it up perfectly:

Simple fact of the matter is that the school tried to save Khyra, the social services could have saved Khyra, the EWO could have saved Khyra, the police could have saved Khyra, the neighbours could have saved Khyra instead of leaving unreported the fact she was left standing outside in winter in underwear, the family could have saved Khyra instead of walking away, AND Khyra's father - who wants you to relieve him of guilt by taking the blame for his absence from her life - could have saved Khyra. I could not have saved Khyra. I did not harm Khyra. I was not there. If I had been I would have joined the school in expressing my concern to the Family and Authorities who could have saved Khyra
I find it disgusting that some are now publically making statements that are simply untrue, in order to justify the extreme measures currently before Parliament, that is Clause 26/27 of the Children Schools & Families Bill.

None of the existing procedures and process appeared to have been followed correctly in this case. Therefore it cannot be rationally used as justification for bringing in new measures. It can only be misused by those who ought to know better, who claim to have the interests of children as their priority, to feed the current witch hunt against home educators.

I trust that the Lords who are now to debate the CSF Bill will show integrity and refuse to be swayed by media hype but instead chose to stick to the FACTS.


CiaranG said...

It's worth noting too that the proposed measures, despite their draconian nature, would not have helped either.

The case has nothing to do with home education whatsoever, except for those who would use the tragic death of a young girl to promote their political agenda.

terrylove said...

Unfortunately it is common with politicians to want to be seen doing something (effective or not) and to demand new laws and powers. Rather than the lower profile, (but potentially much more effective), calling for existing laws and powers to be exercised in the manner originally intended.

It's also much easier to justify new staff for new laws than more (much needed staff) to enforce existing.