Thursday, February 15, 2007

This Week

On Monday we had our science workshop, on electricity and magnetism.

It went quite well – though Samuel did have a meltdown at one point over something - but to be honest I think the subject was one that most of the kids felt they knew quite a bit about already, so maybe they weren't quite as focused as they could have been ;0)

Joshua has been taking some initiative this week, and has been online on a few sites, such as Paintball, and the RAW site. He also went on one of his favourite sites, the Red Box government

On Tuesday at our regular Medway meeting the children each got involved in craft, doing their “Hands Up 4 Home Ed” creations. Some of the wishes the kids came up with were brilliant; my favourite was the slogan “down with force, up with choice”!

Interestingly, Samuel's wish was “that schools could ban bullying so that kids who HAD to go to school didn’t get bullied there”...

William wished for more bouncy castles… I think he missed the point somehow!

Wednesday, we went to visit Grace and the boys. The kids all played well together; some times they just play, other times they get involved in creating websites, planning cartoons, and other stuff. We came away with a mid-sleeper for William, that they no longer need, and which has proved to be a big hit. I've decided to leave it clear underneath (rather than using it for toy storage) as it gives them somewhere to have a den. To be honest, they play under the other high beds (which DO have toy storage under them!) so really I'm just going with the flow!

In light of yesterday’s UNICEF report about how the UK is failing its children, I find it highly significant that our kids are mixing with children of different ages, and with adults, as well as with their “Peers” and this gives them a huge boost over their schooled friends. Read the Campaign blog for further details.

Yesterday the boys also watched some Class TV in the morning, on CBBC. In fact, I found it quite amusing that I got “shushed” and told to “wait until this has finished” when I was trying to get them out the door to go and see their friends!

This morning I got up at 6.15am to give myself time to wake up properly before being interviewed by Radio Berkshire at 7.20. They were doing a feature on home education on their breakfast show and as an EO Press contact, I'd got involved. It was all over in a few moments - I don't think the reporter liked what I said! I think I was meant to provide him with some comments that he could pick on and make "anti" arguements against. At one point he said well, you may be able to provide a good academic education - maybe even better because its one to one, but what about all the stuff the children miss out on - like playing in the snow with other kids

I'm afraid I laughed at him!

Told him I'd give him my blog address and he could see the video of my boys playing in the snow, and how they were always out with other friends, and with adults not just kids their age. You can listen to the show online; by the way, in usual reporter style, it was THEIR mistake to call EO a campaign organisation, and I do NOT run EO (have enough trouble running my own family!).

I had a (small) burst of energy this morning and tidied, dusted and hoovered our bedroom, the two children's rooms, and our front room. I definately overdid it, on top of the early start, not sleeping well last night, and forgetting breakfast this morning in the rush!

In the afternoon Roarke took Samuel and a church (schooled) friend of his to the cinema, with Joshua and William, to see Arthur & The Invisibles. Seems like they all enjoyed it!

Now I'm counting the minutes until their bedtime, and an early night for me....


Lima said...

Interesting interview. Of course home ed kids get to play in the snow, d'oh, silly man! Unless of course they live in Devon, 'cos we didn't get any snow! :-(

Listening to that it dawned on me that you must live in the general area that I was born. It was weird listening to traffic reports about Bracknell etc. I learnt to ice skate at Bracknell ice hockey rink!!! Small worlds...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann,

What a funny interview. He was really fishing for stuff wasnt he! Good for you and HURRAH for home ed!


Anonymous said...

Hurray big up for EO! Why do people think that kids socialise in school, they have to sit still, they're not allowed to look at each other and they're not allowed to speak or play for that matter. Some people just don't get it do they. Good for you though. Would like to know how much of what they learnt at school those radio people remember. I've been trying for ages.

Elaine, Ellies Treasures said...

Well done! Doesn't it make your blood boil when people say silly comments like the snow one and also the social thing, everytime, it's as if they've heard others say it so they have to say it too! Elle

dawniy. said...

way to go - as the americans say - Ann you are always soooo busy -
thank you for the links and for mentioning us :o)
going off to listen to your interview now -